This Cookie Policy explains what cookies are and how I use them. You should read this policy to understand what cookies are, how I use them, the types of cookies I use i.e, the information I collect using cookies and how that information is used and how to control the cookie preferences. For further information on how I use, store and keep your personal data secure, see my Privacy Policy.


You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration on my website. Learn more about who I am, how you can contact me and how I process personal data in our Privacy Policy. Your consent applies to the following domains: paulachemidesign.com


Cookies are small text files that are used to store small pieces of information. The cookies are stored on your device when the website is loaded on your browser. These cookies help me make the website function properly, make the website more secure, provide better user experience, and understand how the website performs and to analyze what works and where it needs improvement.


Cookies may be either “persistent” cookies or “session” cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.


Cookies do not typically contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that I store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.


As most of the online services, my website uses cookies first-party and third-party cookies for a number of purposes. The first-party cookies are mostly necessary for the website to function the right way, and they do not collect any of your personally identifiable data.


The third-party cookies used on my websites are used mainly for understanding how the website performs, how you interact with my website, keeping my services secure, providing advertisements that are relevant to you, and all in all providing you with a better and improved user experience and help speed up your future interactions with my website.



Essential: Some cookies are essential for you to be able to experience the full functionality of my website. They allow me to maintain user sessions and prevent any security threats. They do not collect or store any personal information. For example, these cookies allow you to log-in to your account and add products to your basket and checkout securely.


Statistics: These cookies store information like the number of visitors to the website, the number of unique visitors, which pages of the website have been visited, the source of the visit etc. These data help me understand and analyze how well the website performs and where it needs improvement.


Functional: These are the cookies that help certain non-essential functionalities on my website. These functionalities include embedding content like videos or sharing contents on the website on social media platforms.


Preferences: These cookies help me store your settings and browsing preferences like language preferences so that you have a better and efficient experience on future visits to the website.

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I use Google Analytics to analyse the use of my website. Google Analytics gathers information about website use by means of cookies. The information gathered relating to my website is used to create reports about the use of my website. Google’s privacy policy is available at: https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/.


Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies and to delete cookies. The methods for doing so vary from browser to browser, and from version to version. You can however obtain up-to-date information about blocking and deleting cookies via these links:

(a)    https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en (Chrome);

(b)    https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences (Firefox);

(c)    http://www.opera.com/help/tutorials/security/cookies/ (Opera);

(d)    https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies (Internet Explorer);

(e)    https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411 (Safari); and

(f)    https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy (Edge).


Blocking all cookies will have a negative impact upon the usability of many websites.



This website is owned and operated by B612 Construcciones y diseño SLU. (B612 Construcciones y diseño SLU)

12.2  B612 Construcciones y diseño SLU is registered in Spain with the Mercantile Registry in Málaga, “Registro Mercantil de Málaga”, Hoja MA-119918, Tomo 5185, Folio 109.  You can find the online version of the register at www.rmc.es

12.3  My principal place of business is at Urb. Nueva Alcantara, Edif. Los almendros 1, portal 10-1, 2ºA, C/ Santiago de Compostela, 4, 29670 Marbella, Málaga, España

12.4  You can contact us:

(a)    by post, to the postal address given above;

(b)    using our website contact form;

(c)    by telephone, on (+34) 655 999 773; or

(d)    by email, using hello@paulachemidesign.com

2020 - Design by Paula Chemi - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED